Saturday, August 10, 2013

A new venture--paper piecing!

While in my current slump, I decided to try getting some joy and interest in life back by signing up for Portuguese classes on Rosetta Stone and also to learn to do foundation piecing, a.k.a. paper piecing, with a Craftsy class. This old brain is trying desperately to absorb these new things, but it is taking a while for everything to click.

One would never know that I once taught an arthritis self-help course by the way I overdid it on Tuesday. I spent most of a morning ironing, which I HATE to do--too hard on the back and legs, and then worked for a few hours on top of that shredding zucchini & carrots and slicing up cucumbers and onions. Our little garden is supplying us with abundant produce! My body has been paying for that stupid mistake ever since. Why can't I remember what I taught others: PACE YOURSELF!!!

Here is a picture of my first attempt at paper piecing; it's not perfect, but I am satisfied.

Now it is on to finish up my next blocks--Sunflower, which I am hoping to hang on my kitchen wall. We'll see how that goes. 8-D

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