Thursday, March 31, 2016

It has been a long time since I posted, but it isn't because I haven't been making anything. 8-) These shots are of my latest endeavors. I'll post other things as I come across them in my photo files.

I love making free-standing lace! Just completed are a few more of Sonia Showalter's beautiful Angels of Light. These are a bit more colorful than the ones in the past. It's too bad that a couple more were mailed yesterday to two women who are terminally ill with cancer; too bad on both counts. My heart grieves for the women who are suffering and their loved ones.

Gobbi got me stitching FSL earrings and these are some of the ones just completed last night. The flip-flops are to fulfill orders from friends at church. They are fun to make!

That's it for now. Gotta finish filing my county taxes. Bummer!