Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Flowers & a Monkey

I haven't been very productive during the past month, but I did finish another hoodie towel for my dear SIL to give as a gift. I guess I have now become her personal assistant. 8-D

The flowers are blooming all around the house. Here are two pictures of a gigantic pink peony and a Knockout rose bloom. The peony was about 9" across! I wish you could also smell the springtime air here in Lancaster County. The past several days have been like the dog days of summer, but today is more like late spring. I wish spring could last all year!

I will leave you with this thought, one I should try to remember:
Women of adventure have conquered their fears and know how to live exciting and fulfilling lives right where they are. They have learned to reinvent themselves and find creative ways to enjoy the world and their place in it. They know how to take mini-vacations, stop and smell the roses, and live fully in the moment. —Barbara Jenkins