Monday, December 27, 2010

Finish my UFOs

I've been thinking of all of my UFOs lying around the house and have challenged myself to get them finished and out of here in 2011. Hopefully this blog will help me accomplish this. There is nothing like accountability, so I hope some of you friends who check in occasionally will keep my nose to the grindstone this coming year. Since most of my projects are for charity, it goes along with a thought one of the women at church said yesterday, "In 2011, may I be fruitful for Heaven." I feel my purpose in life is to glorify the Lord and be His hands and feet here on earth to touch others with His love. I pray that all of my fleece blankets, quilts, and embroidered toys and angels will touch the recipient with the Savior's love.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

The end of my Christmas stitching

With two days until Christmas, it is about time that I'm finished with my stitching! The wind is howling and the temperature is ffffrrreeezziing! It feels like Christmas!

This year I made Sonia Showalter's Christmas Angel to include with many of my Christmas cards. It was a chore for me rather than a fun thing to do the cards this year, so even though I was very late with them, they are all sent. PTL! I wish I were able to send all of my friends a stitchery, but that is impossible. One friend always gets snowflakes from me because she loves snow. Another friend got Sonia's nativity angel set because I hadn't given them to her before for some reason. I guess I can chalk it up to a poor memory or thick fibro-fog.

My SIL asked me to make a fleece blanket for her son who is in dental school at the Univeristy of North Carolina. It really was to be a birthday gift, but Hancock's had trouble getting in the fleece at the store. I finally ordered it on their website and had it shipped here. The finished product was mailed yesterday, along with some scarves I made from the remnant.

I can't think of anything else that I did creatively, other than baking a few cookies yesterday. That was an improvement over last year when I didn't get any baked. This year DH helped me and we'll be baking his favorite, pfeffernuesse, this afternoon when he finished a woodworking project downstairs.

Merry Christmas!
