Friday, November 26, 2010

Another set of Christmas placemats & napkins

I finished up another set of the placemats and napkins. This set is for my SIL in Maryland. She and her DH came for a visit to celebrate my DH's 65th birthday, so I was able to send them along right away. The color is a bit off since they are really Christmas red and not pink,

I also finished a red set for my SIL in eastern Ohio, but I forgot to take pictures. I praise the Lord for His attaching my head to the rest of my body. Who knows where I'd leave it!


  1. hi these are beautiful. You wouldn't by chance do lessons in how to do these or have a video. I would love to learn, I cannot do things like this LOL . I would compensate you for your time. ..I wish I had payed more attention to my mother when she was heree. She was a remarkable seamstress and hand embroiderer. She had made me before she got ill a beautiful tree skirt all hand embroidered , it is the first thing and the last thing that is taken out for Christmas. She died at the age of 53 and everytime I sit at my embroidery machine I think of here....What talent she had and if I had just payed attention....God Bless Beverly ^j^

  2. sorry that was not eabop lol
